Saturday, 6 June 2009

East from England to Belarus

This blog entry has some pictures of our journey from the UK eventually ending up in Belarus where we have been working for the NGO Birdlife belarus. We went by train and passed though a few places we have always wanted to see. Best to read this entry from the bottom up :)

Eastern architecture - looks like a picture from a '60s textbook. And one of many mullets in the foreground.

Gingerbread houses are commonplace in these mountains...

Black redstart.


White wagtail.

Bohemian waxwing decorating a tree.... in Bohemia.

Rural Czech.

Ortolan bunting for those that care about identification (and bird with enormous tash for those that don't!)

Spring kicking in - still a few snow patches melting away.

The least complicated form of local transport........ although Hutsul horses Benni and Erna were a bit scared of water!

Swapped the city for a camping spot in the Jizerke Hory (mountains) in northern Czech. Stayed a week here in mid - April on a horse farm surrounded by forest near Jablonec nad Nissau.

Home-made borscht on the rooftop terrace in our wee hostel.

Take enough windy streets and you end up somewhere nice.

One of many little backstreets to get lost in.

Enjoying the view.

General organised disorganisation... we love it!! (But not sure I'd want to drive here).

The smallest window in the world... but a big veiw of the rooftops on Prague's old city.

We left the coast and took advantage of the fast trains around europe and ended up in Prague. We need better trains in Britain!!

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